I have been medically cleared to donate bone marrow! Wow, what a continued blessing. The next several weeks are going to be full of doctor's appointments, lab draws, commuting between the two, and trying amidst everything else in life to stay
healthy. I would be lying if I said that I wasn't nervous. To be honest with you, I am a bundle of emotions. I told my mom just yesterday, I felt like I was on an emotional roller coaster! I am excited, happy, nervous, scared, over-whelmed, but most of all humbled. I still cannot wrap my mind around how I got here...right now...with this amazing opportunity before me. I just can't figure it out. But maybe that's what God is trying to teach me. That I don't have to, nor do I need to always try to figure everything out. Everyday I am going to be faced with things that make me really happy, and also with things that make me not so thrilled. It's a journey of faith I keep reminding myself. I don't ask, nor think about, why the train I rode on last weekend didn't crash, how a plane even flies in the air, I hope the food that I eat at a favorite restaurant is prepared by clean hands and is fully cooked, the teachers in my classes are telling me correct material, and the list could go on. The matter is, I live by faith. You and I live by faith whether we fully pay attention to that fact or not. There are tons of things everyday that we don't even think about, we just go by the motions. I'm trying to be a better person, to be more aware of what is going on around me, to be a better servant to those around me. God doesn't want us to try to figure out why things happen or dwell on things like that. He wants you and I to take that journey of faith and run with it. He wants us to do it together, because no matter what may come in our life, who talks bad about us behind our back, and how many "friends" we have, if we place God number 1 in our life we can accomplish so very much.
Join with me in praying for the patient with leukemia that I will be donating for in a few weeks. Pray that her body would be able to handle the transplant. Pray for her and her family. This is a huge opportunity and I am a firm believer that God didn't intend for me to walk through this process alone. Let's join together -- we are going to accomplish incredibe things if we put God first in our life. You can do anything you set your mind to!
"Each morning that greets me is full of hope
Not because I am successful at what I am doing,
Or because the people near me appreciate me,
Or because circumstances are easy,
But because God is, and He is my Father.
To look at the morning any other way is to believe a lie.
To live in hope is to live in truth;
To live in truth is to bring Him glory;
To bring God glory in my daily living
Is the highest form of worship."
Courtney - You are incredible, and yet knowing you at all means knowing that you'd say that you aren't incredible, just showing obedience to the life God has called you too. Still, it does take a beautiful, strong, love filled heart to not be satisfied with simply having faith but to live it out in courageous, selfless, loving ways. Thank you for being the example of Christ, not only to an unbelieving world, but to me, a believer - that sometimes is content to settle when God is calling His followers to the extraordinary. You are a blessing, friend. I will pray God's will on this journey!