Sunday, May 2, 2021

You are Enough

What was your life like one year ago?  What were your dreams?  What were your goals?  Think about it for a minute.  I had this challenge the other night when I was journaling.  It got me thinking so I had to share.  

At the time I am writing this, one year ago COVID had shut almost everything down.  Life as we knew it was completely altered.  Jobs changed, businesses closed, family gatherings halted, and  even gathering at the church building changed.  I know my own anxiety flew through the roof.  Am I being careful?  Is someone going to get sick because of me?  What are we supposed to do?  How am I ever going to get my work done?  Talk about an anxiety-sufferers worst nightmare.  I feel you guys. 

One year later, I find myself stronger.  No doubt anxiety is still here.  It creeps its ugly head in my life from time to time; however, I feel that I am growing into a stronger woman of God.  I’m learning to feel anxiety at it’s earliest beginnings so that I can get it under control quicker, before it gets out of hand.

For me it’s learning my triggers.  I won’t go into detail about them because they are my own.  But I challenge you to spend time thinking about what causes you to feel unsettled.  Is there something that makes it difficult for you to concentrate?  Do you struggle with tasks that used to not be difficult? 

I’m not minimizing your efforts at combating anxiety.  Everyone has their own method and I am always up for hearing what works for other people.  But also realize – even though you may hear what works for someone else, do not beat yourself up or give yourself unrealistic expectations for overcoming anxiety or fear or whatever you’re facing.  You do you friend.  I do me - and to be honest, most days it is all I can handle.  

We were never meant to manage other people.  Even if you’re married you are not meant to manage or control your spouse.  Not your parents, your friends, your siblings, your best friends – no one.  You are only responsible for yourself.  In a world that is constantly trying to coax us into having the perfect life, the perfect skin, hair, body, car, home, etc. God sees you just as you are.

God knew you before you were you.  If that seems a bit much to some of you, hang in there with me.  In God’s eyes, you are perfect.  You are loved.  You are cherished.  He doesn’t require anything from you, other than being completely in love with Him.  That may sound weird, but He wants us to love Him.  He desires to spend time with you.  He wants to be Your Father.

No mistake, no circumstance, no flaw you see in yourself will turn God away.  Until you realize this and take hold of who you are in God’s eyes, will you never become content in who you are as a son or daughter of God.  One simple task that I’ve chosen to do, started several months ago.  I was challenged after a sermon by Louie Giglio one Sunday, so I cannot take the credit for this myself.  Every morning when I get to work, I take out my to-do list and write down four words in the top left-hand corner.  I see these words throughout the day.  No matter what creeps up, I can re-read these words and remember my purpose.  It has helped me. [LOVED. CALLED. CHOSEN. EQUIPPED.]. It may seem silly, but for me it has been a big deal. 


     I am loved by God.

       I am called to this moment, right here, right now.

                I am chosen as a daughter of God.

                      I am equipped for whatever tasks come up today. 

You, my friend, are enough to Him.  Just as you are right now.  Curled up under a blanket on the couch after a long day.  Sitting in the waiting room of a critical appointment.  Waiting for the verdict to be announced.  Leaving the funeral home after seeing your loved one for the last time.  You are enough.  Lean into His arms today.  You are enoughYou are already chosen.  You will never be more loved than you are right now.  Take a listen to one of my favorite songs – I’m sure it will lift your spirits.  Hang in there friends.    

Jireh, You are enough
Jireh, You are enough
I will be content in every circumstance
Jireh, You are enough

He's forever enough
Always enough
Always more than enough
He is, He is
Forever enough
Always enough
More than enough

I'm already loved
I'm already chosen
I know who I am
I know what You've spoken
I'm already loved
More than I could imagine
And that is enough


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