Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Look Up Child

If we are honest, I’m sure that many of us can say there are times we feel defeated by the day to day events in our lives.  From sickness, to troubled homes, to financial hardships, to loss and everything big and small in between, life gets hard.

Music has always been important to me.  I’m thankful that my family invested so much so I could learn the value of music growing up as now, twenty years later, I still enjoy creating music.  But even more than that, I am amazed at how God is so real in it.  I want to take you through the lyrics of a new song I heard, and pray it blesses you like it has me.

Have you ever found yourself questioning God?  He doesn’t come through in a way you feel He should?  Life seems to be crashing around you? Nothing seems to be going right? It’s okay, I have too.

“Where are you now
When darkness seems to win
Where are you now
When the world is crumbling
Where are you now 
When I can’t figure it out.”

As many of you know, my Dad was diagnosed with ALS in February of this year.  As a family we are talking about the hard things that honestly in February I didn’t think we would be talking about yet.  But then again no one thinks about those hard conversations, usually, until they have some reason to do it.  I’ve watched my Dad like many of you, go from being independent in every way to requiring help for the small things.  There are days where it seems like the more he tries, the harder something so simple has become.  I am reminded of his struggles each time I button my own pants, I brush my own teeth, I prepare my own dinner, I drive my own car, and each time I get in and out of my own bed to name a few.  Things that seem so small and that often don’t require a lot of thinking, I take for granted.  And any person who is facing a chronic or terminal illness could easily agree, it’s the simple things that bother you the most and that’s what I see with my Dad. 

I’m reminded though that anything we face has the power to rob of us our joy.  Of our hope.  Of our love.  It’s up to us how we will respond.  I’m reminded just how much God is near and how He hasn’t drifted no matter how much my heart hurts from watching my Dad hurt.  I’ve seen my grandmother recover from a fall and be blessed by new friends in her new community.  She’s truly embracing life with every breath and it’s been such an encouragement through this difficult season.  How much we ache from a certain circumstance or situation in life is not a reflection of how we are valued by God.  We are His children.  We are loved.  We are enough.

“You’re not threatened by the war
You’re not shaken by the storm
I know You’re in control
Even in our suffering 
Even when it can’t be seen
I know you’re in control.”

God isn’t afraid of what most scares me because He’s already there.  And He’s already there for you too.  You’re not too far gone.  You are loved more than you could ever know.  See the good in today.  You may not be walking through pain right now, but you probably have at some point in your life.  Be thankful for every moment.  See each trying circumstance as an opportunity for good.  I’m thankful for the lessons I am learning through this tough season.  The people I have been meeting, the conversations I have had, the blessings friends have been providing the little things, and most of all for God’s voice in it all.  Just like me, He wants us to stop and remember He’s right here.  He’s right there with you.  Don’t lose hope when life is tough.  Just “look up, child.”

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